Sunday, June 29, 2014

Design And Download Into A Brother 930 & 940

I subscribe to and watch different machine knitters on YouTube, always good to see what everyone is up to.

One of my most recent YouTube subscriptions is to "Knitlabo" she does not have voice overs just clear video.  Her most recent post is showing how to design a pattern using "Edge" which is a free App download for Windows, iPad and iPhones (no iMac).

It's simple, you design your pattern, hook up your USB cable and download into your 930 or 940 knitting machine (using 551).  Your pattern will be stored as pattern #901.

The website for the App is here : takabosoft

Here is Knitlabo's" video demonstrating the program and download into the knitting machine:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom ordered the cable from img2trk. DaviWorks Plugged in and away you go. They have a group on Ravelry.
